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Thursday, March 20, 2008

AllTop.com : All The Top Stories At One Place

image AllTop is an online news aggregator that collects stories from “all the top” sites on the web and displays them. It imports stories of the top news websites and blogs for any given topic and display the headlines of the five most recent stories.


AllTop has a wide range of categories, so you don't have to go anywhere. All top stories can be found at one place. These categories include Work, Living, People, Interests, Culture, Geekery, Goods and News. There are sub categories for each main category.

Each sub category has individual Alltop sites. Each Alltop site displays the latest five stories from thirty or more sites on a single page. When you place the cursor over a headline, it shows you a part of the story so that you can decide if you’d like to read it. To read the story, click on its title. To go to the home page of the site, click on its domain name.

It always checks for the update at every 10 minutes. Site is inspired by popurls which does the same thing, but they don't have categories and it messes up everything on a single webpage.


  • There is not login/registration required like other news aggregators. This makes life easy ;)
  • All top stories are at one place. You don't have to go to anywhere. 
  • Comparatively Faster than other web-based aggregators.
  • Wide range of categories and wisely selected news resources guarantee the quality news.
  • Easy to keep watch on Blogosphere.
  • Easy to use and great time saver.

The only disadvantage i find is you have an option to add your own feeds. However if you want your blog to be included, just email them.

AllTop is a start up of Guy Kawasaki, and i don't have to say a word about him ;)

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