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Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Google Introduced iGoogle Showcase

People are always crazy about celebrities. No matter whether they are film starts, football players, or tennis starts. Their fans always want to keep them in the front either by setting their wallpapers or screensaver on the computer or  in mobile phones. Well, Google has a new way to take this further. Google today announcing the new iGoogle Showcase, which allows you to see and share the homepages of some of your favorite icons.


These 30 preeminent people, including Dave Matthews, Rachael Ray and Katie Couric, are sharing their iGoogle pages with you in full so you can get a glimpse into their interests and how they experience the web.

The iGoogle Showcase allows you to either add a celebrity's entire iGoogle page to your own, or browse through the collection and choose different gadgets and themes from several pages. For example, you might select Al Gore's iGoogle page for his preferred theme and gadgets for keeping up on the latest media news, supporting the Alliance for Climate protection cause or browsing through photos from National Geographic.

In addition, many of celebrity partners have created their own custom iGoogle gadgets to easily connect with their fans every day. Donald Trump offers advice to entrepreneurs, Martha Stewart shares recipes and tips, and Anderson Cooper delivers headline news and extras from his CNN show AC360.
To get any one of our celebrity themes or gadgets on your own iGoogle page, visit the
iGoogle Showcase.

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