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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Google Suggest Is Now More Faster

Google Suggest is one of the time saving feature which guesses what you're typing and offers suggestions in real time. Google yesterday announced the introduction of more features to Google Suggest to help you make your searches even faster. These features are rolling out gradually, so you should be able to see them soon.

Suggestions on the results page

Previously, Google Suggest only showed suggestions based on your original search input. Now, when you make a search from a results page, it provides suggestions that relate to the current results page. As you can see in the example below, if your previous search was for roller coasters, when you begin a new query the first few suggestions are still related to roller coasters — helping you refine your search queries to quickly find what you want.

Personalized suggestions

Trying to remember that query which gave you the best results? Now, if you're signed in with your Google account and have Web History enabled, it may show some of your relevant past searches as you type. Personalized suggestions will make it easier and faster for you to repeat searches that have worked before. Or, if you need to step away in the middle of a search task, this will help you continue your search tasks at a later time.

You can remove a personalized suggestion that you do not like by clicking "Remove", which will remove the search from your Web History. You can also remove searches from your Web History directly, manage Query Suggestions on the preferences page, or sign out of your Google account entirely to stop seeing personalized suggestions.

Navigational suggestions

If your first keystrokes indicate that you may be looking to navigate directly to a specific site, it'll list it and send you straight there if you click on it.

Sponsored links in suggestions

Similar to the navigational suggestions above, sometimes it detects that the most relevant completion for what you're typing is an ad. When an ad is shown, Google Suggest marks it with the text "Sponsored Link" and a colored background, as on the results page.

There are also a couple more changes to Suggest: it will no longer show the result count for items in the suggest box and it now bolds the text of suggestions to help you more quickly scan the list.

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