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Friday, August 08, 2008

“Just for You'” Plug-in Helps You to Personalize Your WordPress Blog

Various plug-ins are out there to give readers a reason to hang out a bit longer on your site. Some of them present a list of similar posts from your archives, another creates a dynamic list of all-time popular posts so the viewers can browse your greatest hits.

Yet, none of these add-ons look at the stated interests of the  individual reader, mostly because this data is closed off, hidden inside social networks and closed off to the open internet.

MyBlogLog released Just for You WordPress plug-in, builds a list of headlines based on the expressed interests of the reader. The plug-in looks at each visitor to your blog and, if they are a cookied MyBlogLog member, looks up the tags attached to that user's profile. Using these tags, Just for You looks into the blog's archive for posts with matching tags or categories and shows a list of matching headlines in a sidebar widget.


The plug-in is configurable. You can also weight the recency and tag matching logic to determine the headlines you'd like to show. The idea is to engage readers with related content that's of interest to them.

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