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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

myExperiment : Virtual Research Environment

myExperiment enables you and your research community to share digital items associated with your research — in particular, it enables you to share and execute scientific workflows, such as those using Taverna. It is aimed at the individual scientist on their personal project, forming a distributed community with scientists elsewhere who would otherwise be disconnected. It's a community social network, a market place, a gateway to other publishing environments and a platform for launching workflows. It enables you to build communities and form relationships — to share, re-use and repurpose workflows, and reduce time-to-experiment, share expertise and avoid reinvention.

myExperiment introduces the concept of a workflow bazaar; a collaborative environment where scientists can safely publish their creations, share them with a wider group and find the workflows of others. Workflows can now be swapped, sorted and searched like photos and videos on the web.

myExperiment is a Virtual Research Environment which makes it easy for people to share experiments and discuss them.

Scientists should be able to swap workflows and publications as easily as citizens can share documents, photos and videos on the Web. myExperiment owes far more to social networking websites such as MySpace and YouTube than to the traditional portals of Grid computing, and is immediately familiar to the new generation of scientists. The myExperiment provides a personalized environment which enables users to share, re-use and repurpose experiments - reducing time-to-experiment.

The myExperiment services will also be accessible through simple programming interfaces so that you can use your existing environment (such as a wiki) and augment it with myExperiment functionality — or build entirely new interfaces and functionality mashups which make use of myExperiment behind the scenes. And myExperiment is designing to integrate with federated stores such as those used in scholarly publishing.

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