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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Facebook Announced Facebook Connect For iPhone

Facebook today announced the launch of Facebook Connect for iPhone. Facebook Connect easily lets developers make their websites and desktop applications more social. This enables developer to integrate the power of Facebook Platform into iPhone app.

If you develop apps for the iPhone and iPod Touch, you can now start making those apps more social. With just a few lines of Objective-C code, your users can log in to Facebook from within your app, find their friends, then share what they do in your app back on Facebook, which opens up exciting new opportunities for your users.

It enables your users to :

  • Seamlessly connect their Facebook account and information with your iPhone app
  • Connect and share experiences with friends who also use your iPhone app
  • Share user information and actions on your iPhone app with friends on Facebook

Now your iPhone apps can enjoy the benefits that Facebook Connect sites and Facebook Platform apps already enjoy, including:

  • Making API calls so your app can access users' profiles and share information on Facebook.
  • Publishing to Facebook via Feed forms.
  • Asking users for extended permissions, like offline access, so you can still interact with their data when they're offline.

To get started, download the Facebook Connect for iPhone code, read the documentation, and start coding!

Also, you can take 5 minutes to watch the video below, which shows how you can integrate Facebook Connect for iPhone with your app.

How To: Implement Facebook Connect on the iPhone in 5 minutes from Cat Lee on Vimeo.

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