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Saturday, June 07, 2008

Another Micro-Blogging Service, Sweetter Better Than Twitter ?

Sweetter is a microblogging service, where you can write what you're doing, what you're thinking, you can write everything you want, but other people will vote your post, and this will make that your karma go up or down.

Sweetter is not Twitter, less is more. In Sweetter you can post what are you doing, in less than 140 characters. But you have, karma, TODO's, and a lot of things that twitter doesn't have, and it's free software, you can get the code, and setup a sweetter at home, for you and your friends.

Sweetter is a open source and fun microbloggin service. Sweetter 2.0 are being developing by SUGUS (group of GNU users from the University of Seville).

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